Being Ian Wiki

(Scene 1) [Ian's Imagination

Ian:Wait oser Tyrone!i think if we near the lair of the fire-breathing dragon.....

Tyrone:Why i think i fell that? forgive Sir Ian.....Sorry

an:¡Because my armor feel it's like yield microwave oven!

Princess Sandra:SAVE ME!!

Ian:they are not fair, Princess but First.........FORCE (Shows a marshmellow)

(The dragon burns the marshmellow)

Scene 2

Ian:I Just got an Idea for my next film, a mediaval epic aventure.

Tyrone:Oh yeah?Look if your Pal not further for a knight black night.

Ian:And i'll cast Sandi as my helpless damsel in distress.


Ian:Trust Me!All Girls love to dress up Like Princesses.

Scene 3

(Sandi put her princess Crown to hurn the dragon's eye and this latter go to cry)

ian:(Out of Imagination)so i've got my concept and my cast, know all i need are costume, props, a couple of horses and you know, a mediaval old city!

Tyrone:And more chocolate!

Ken:Okay, I Got It,how's about inside-out Underpants day?
